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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 单词拼写
  • 1. 单词拼写。


    1. (1) The(大多数) of boys like playing basketball.
    2. (2) The quickest m of travel is by plane.
    3. (3) A large p of the population own their homes.
    4. (4) All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex,religion or(国籍).
    5. (5) We(推选) John as chairman,for he was reliable.
    6. (6) It's difficult to move to America, because the rules of iis rather strict for the foreigners.
    7. (7) He is fair to us without d.
    8. (8) Is the account insured by the (联邦制的) government?
    9. (9) The sea narrows into a s there.
    10. (10) Venice is an I city.