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    Jen is a 39-year old community dancer with Down's Syndrome(唐氏综合征). She is the founder of Dance Syndrome, a nonprofit organization that brings together 1 dancers and make them feel equal to everyone.

    Dancing has always been in her veins. As a young girl, Jen seized every opportunity to dance with full 2  both in the morning and during her 10 minutes of 3  before bedtime. The dynamic workout would keep her 4  all day long.

    Life hasn't been straightforward for Jen. She was 5 by a number of dance clubs in primary school and encountered numerous 6 while pursuing her passion for dance. Despite these challenges, her ambition to share her love for dance and 7 disabled individuals in the art grew stronger.

    After leaving school at 18, Jen spent over 10 years searching 8  for opportunities to be trained as a dance leader. Eventually, she had to give up and decided to try her own way, not knowing where it might lead!

    Despite the 9 , Dance Syndrome was established in 2009. Jen and her fellow disabled dance leaders took 10  of the charitable organization, working alongside non-disabled dance artists who helped them work more professionally.

    Over the decade, Dance Syndrome has 11 thousands of disabled dancers, cultivating an environment where every person is recognized as equal, 12 and accepted for who they are. The year 2019 witnessed Jen 13 for the third time as a member of Shaw T rust's Disability Power 100. She is a living proof that 14 can come from unexpected places and that disabled individuals can 15 society in extraordinary ways.

    A . confusing B . disabled C . talented D . clumsy
    A . energy B . fear C . speed D . courage
    A . concentration B . imagination C . relaxation D . celebration
    A . exhausted B . astonished C . motivated D . refreshed
    A . held back B . left alone C . looked after D . turned down
    A . consequences B . barriers C . friends D . experiences
    A . discover B . employ C . engage D . entertain
    A . in particular B . in return C . in vain D . in advance
    A . frustration B . progress C . curiosity D . uncertainty
    A . possession B . charge C . advantage D . control
    A . supported B . praised C . paid D . added
    A . valued B . envied C . united D . rewarded
    A . regarded B . listed C . interviewed D . expected
    A . inspiration B . friendship C . teamwork D . leadership
    A . contribute to B . adapt to C . belong to D . live up to