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  • 1. A)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Football is a very popular game in China. There are eleven 1 in a team. Many young people like it. 

    Li Lei is a middle school student. He's2 at football. Tomorrow is Sunday. There is3 to do,so he is going to4 a football game. He wants Sam to go5 him. Sam is6 America. He is good at football,too. He likes7 football games very much.8 he says American football is9 ours. It's not round. The football has10 name in English,soccer.

    A .  players B .  games C .  balls D .  play
    A .  fun B .  good C .  bad D .  liking
    A .  anything B .  nothing C .  something D .  everything
    A .  get B .  playing C .  have D .  watch
    A .  before B .  beside C .  with D .  after
    A .  in B .  leave C .  for D .  from
    A .  taking B .  watching C .  playing D .  having
    A .  But B .  And C .  So D .  Then
    A .  like B .  different from C .  far D .  the same
    A .  other B .  others C .  another D .  one another