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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    COVID-19. You read that right. It's not just that we're sick of COVID-19 but coronaviruses (冠状病毒) have been with and in us for hundreds of years. A former president called it "just a cold". The wording might have been slightly clumsy.  This was just the fifth.

     It was fascinating. And it was mostly meaningless, at least at the county or personal level. Every one will eventually get COVID-19, just as every one had the first four coronaviruses when you were young

     Keep it to yourself; no one else, wants it! If you have low immunity (免疫力), you are easy to get. any of the numerous viruses that cause flu-like, symptoms in people. The people around you are your protection. This is nothing new: We used vaccination (疫苗接种) to control smallpox.

    For those who can't be very ill, there is an injection that will help their immune system get a head start. The effectiveness doesn't last quite as long as the disease; that's not surprising. And the disease (coronavirus infections, any of the five). doesn't give lifelong immunity anyway, not before 2019, not after 2023. Nothing new: You get seasonal colds every season; these are often coronaviruses.

     Pay attention to the people closest to you, the ones who know what they're doing and, more important, share your risk pool (same town or county). Ask your medical provider what you should do. They are advised by the county, which gets information from the state, which gathers patient CDC data.

    A. So what should you do?

    B. Then who is to turn to?

    C. And the same rules apply as with any cold:

    D. But there were already four coronaviruses that caused seasonal colds.

    E. Because of advances in basic sciences, we could watch the virus change.

    F. Your family doctor is who knows you and knows all this and a whole.

    G. With the data we can analyze the virus and apply suitable and personal therapies.