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    How to Make Small Talk

    Sometimes, people say that small talk is awkward and shallow. But if you do it successfully, the other person will focus on the more interesting parts of your conversation rather than the small talk itself. .

    ●Devices down

    The first step to making small talk is to put your devices away. This is a small but meaningful gesture in a world that's totally connected over a digital network., and you're not waiting for something to break your attention.

    ●Listen first

    In social situations, one way to show you're offering your full attention is to listen in an engaged way. When you're listening, show you're paying attention by practicing nonverbal (非语言的) cues like nodding and making eye contact with the speaker. It's also a good active listening practice to repeat what someone just told you. For example, if someone tells you, "Wow, I haven't seen you in three years," repeat back, "Three years? Has it been that long?".

    ●Ask open questions

    . For example "How have things been?" is a better question than "Have you been alright?" The latter requires a simple yes or no response, while the former draws out information in a conversational way.

    When someone tells you something in a small talk conversation, respond enthusiastically. Your positivity shows you're paying attention and also makes them feel valued and respected. This is good for building a relationship with someone you don't know very well.

    A.Be open-minded

    B.Respond enthusiastically

    C.This shows you're actively listening

    D.You view these conversations as opportunities to learn

    E.Here are four tips that will help you make small talk in any situation

    F.When you ask about the person you're speaking to, ask open-ended questions

    G.Putting your phone, tablet or laptop away shows your focus is completely on the person you're talking to