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    At 98, Dick Van Dyke still sings with his group, The Vantastix, and still makes it all look easy. When asked how important it is that he's having fun when he's doing it, Van Dyke replied, "My whole career has relied on that. It's such a blessing to find a way of making a living that you love. I feel so sorry for people who hate their job. I look forward to going to work every morning!"

    And some of his work helped define a generation. Take "The Dick Van Dyke Show"; it ran for five years on CBS, and it was such a hit that they're bringing it back. This week, CBS aired a two-hour tribute (致敬), "Dick Van Dyke, 98 Years of Magic", and for the occasion, they recreated the original Dick Van Dyke Show set, down to that well-known sofa.

    Early in his career Van Dyke was quoted as saying he only wanted to make films his children could watch. That got the attention of Walt Disney, who promptly cast him in "Mary Poppins". And his next few films were equally family-friendly, like "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," which happened to have been co-written by James Bond creator Ian Fleming. From then on, Van Dyke was almost always assigned to play the good guy, though he claims to have missed out on a choice part: "Yeah, I could have been James Bond. When Sean Connery left, the producer said, ‘Would you like to be the next Bond?' I said, ‘Have you heard my British accent?' That's a true story!"

    It seems that in show biz the true legends never stop. In an interview from 2017 with his friends, Van Dyke described what it was like hitting 90: "People are more afraid of aging than they are of death these days. And I want to say that remain young in heart and there's a lot of good living to do."

    1. (1) What can we learn from Paragraph 1?
      A . It's hard for Dyke to find a job. B . Dyke likes working in the morning. C . Dyke considers his job as a burden. D . Dyke enjoys his job.
    2. (2) Why did CBS made a special programme for Dyke?
      A . To create a new set for his show. B . To show their respect to him. C . To encourage Dyke to sing with his group. D . To invited young generation to watch his show.
    3. (3) Which statement is not true about Dyke's career?
      A . His films are family-friendly. B . His films were only made for his children in his early career. C . Van Dyke was always playing the good guy. D . Van Dyke didn't play James Bond.
    4. (4) Which is the best title for the text?
      A . Van Dyke's Career. B . Work Is The Most Important. C . Always Have Fun. D . Young Forever.