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    Improved mental health is on the agenda for many people in 2024 and being organized is the preferred method of realizing it. 

    Disorganization is often considered to have a negative impact on the way we see ourselves and the lives we lead. The studied downsides of living in a disorganized environment include memory problems, poor eating habits, and decreased self-control. "There's an obvious link between increased stress and anxiety disorders and living in a messy space," says Daniel Levitin, a behavioral neuroscientist (行为神经科学家) at McGill University.

    "Disorganization brings a loss of productivity that is difficult to quantify," says Levitin. He points to the amount of time people lose looking for lost items, missing appointments, or falling behind at work or school because of disordered living. "The average person likely loses 5 percent of their time due to disorganization," he says. "Take your annual salary, multiply that by 5 percent, and you can measure what disorganization may be costing you."

    Joseph Ferrari, one of the most recognized scholars on disorganization research, says that nearly every mental health downside that comes from disorganization can be improved by getting organized. "You'll feel more energetic, enhance your productivity in the office, and greatly improve the quality of your life," he says.

    Tidy homes have been found to be a predictor of physical health. "Those whose houses are cleaner are more active and physically healthy," says Libby Sander, an assistant professor of organizational behavior. Part of this is due to organized people being better at managing their time, but it's also because research demonstrates that less clutter (杂乱) can help improve one's diet. "Studies show an association between clutter and overweight," says Libby.

    Getting organized has also been shown to decrease one's stress levels, increase personal efficiency, and even improve sleep. Another studied advantage of getting organized may be improving the quality of one's relationships. Libby explains that relationships can be negatively impacted when too much clutter affects communication or distracts one's brain from noticing important message from their partner. Research shows this can cause others to feel ignored, misunderstood, or unimportant.

    1. (1) What does Levitin say concerning living a disorganized life?
      A . It has been well realized. by people. B . It's many people's New Year resolution. C . It has an obvious impact on mental state. D . It's closely related to the living environment.
    2. (2) How does Levitin support his opinion?
      A . By giving examples. B . By making comparisons. C . By citing other experts' words. D . By referring to previous studies.
    3. (3) What might help people avoid overweight according to paragraph 5?
      A . High productivity. B . Good management of time. C . Ignorance about others' feeling. D . An organized home.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . The Neuroscience Behind Healthy Minds B . The Cost of Chaos—How Disorganization Affects Your Life C . Mental Health in 2024—Self-control as a Priority D . Organize for Success—Boosting Health and Productivity