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    It was thirty years ago, and I was twenty years old as a new teacher in an elementary school in Toronto, Canada. My class was made up of thirty-eight kids, one of them named Mike. Mike was a street kid. He never knew his parents and lived with an uncaring grandmother. His clothing was in need of repair. He was ten years old and looked in bad health. Like most new, young teachers, I was full of enthusiasm and wanted to make a difference. I decided to reach out to help the kid in need.

    So it was that early in September that my special "foster father(养父)" relationship with Mike began with the permission of his grandmother. I became the only parent figure he ever had. Each day, I'd take him for meals. I showed him how to repair clothes. I taught him a lot of new skills like using a computer, taking photos and knowing about nature. Mike would then help me teach the rest of the class these skills. We all had a lot of fun, and a kind of un-spoken trust began to build up between us. Surprisingly, he appeared eager to join in this new father-son relationship.

    Early in our special relationship, Mike told me his dream. Most of the kids in the class wanted to be doctors, musicians, teachers or some such things, but not Mike. "I want to be a gangster(土匪), Mr. Kowalchuk!" he said. This was no joke—this was his wish, and he was most serious about it.

    I believe all children have a gift. Everyone has the same chance to be the best person they can be. I realized this boy was smart, and that with a little love, attention, understanding, guidance and encouragement, he could probably achieve whatever he put his mind to. I explained to him that a good gangster had to read a large number of books on law in the law library and know criminal law(刑法) well like an excellent lawyer(律师). His young mind was eager and interested.

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    If he wanted to be a "gangster", I would do something to help him.

    Years later, I got married and started a new life in another city.