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    Do you like ice-cream? How much do you often spend on an ice-cream? Many people buy ice-creams that look ordinary but were much (expensive). the ordinary ice-cream cool you down, you should be careful of the high price. The high-price ice-cream is called "an ice-cream assassin (刺客)". Many people believe that high prices should match high (quality). But high-price ice-cream doesn't always match its quality. We are willing to pay high prices for products that are good enough. So was it necessary(pay) so much for a common ice-cream? Then why did people still buy(they)? For some people, they probably didn't want to feel left out and they might try to prove that they were part of a group by(show) off. So far, I(buy) no expensive ice-cream myself. In my opinion, there is no need for us to compare others in such a silly way. Although we should respect different opinions, I don't think it's a wise (choose). Just be yourself.