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  • 1.  阅读理解。

    One Sunday morning,Amaya read a story at home.It was about how some kids helped people in their neighborhood.Amaya also wanted to do something for people in her town,but she didn't know what to do.In the story,the kids grew food for people.But it was winter,so she couldn't start a garden.She still thought about it when her mom asked her to shop.

    When they drove along the road,Amaya saw a family walking on the road.They only wore light(轻薄的)jackets.That gave her an idea.She could collect(收集)winter clothes for people in need.Amaya told her idea to her mom,and she thought it was great.But how could they let more people know about it and get a lot of winter clothes?

    The next day,Amaya rode to school early and talked to her teacher Mrs.Monroe.Her teacher liked her idea,too.She even said she could help Amaya talk to the head teacher,Mrs. Brown.After knowing about the idea,Mrs.Brown was ____thrilled. She said happily,"I will arrange(安排) everything soon and make sure everyone will join in the activity."After collecting clothes for two weeks,all people in the school took school trips to the parks in town.

    They left the clothes there,so people in need could get them easily.

    Some days later,Amaya and her mom met the family again.This time,they looked nice and warm in new clothes.Amaya was very happy to see that.

    1. (1) What did Amaya want to do after reading the story?
      A . To go shopping. B . To read it again. C . To work in the garden. D . To help people in her town.
    2. (2) The second paragraph tells us ____
      A . who helped Amaya B . what clothes Amaya wore C . how Amaya got the idea D . how people knew about the idea
    3. (3) The word"thrilled"means" ____ "
      A . free and relaxed B . strict and kind C . afraid and worried D . excited and happy
    4. (4) What kind of person is Amaya?
      A . Kind. B . Cute. C . Cool. D . Hard.