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    Tony was a good boy.He always got up early and got to school1 every day.He liked playing 2 ,but he wasn't good at it.His friend Scott said to him,"You can 3 it on the computer.It's interesting to play against the computer."

    After that,he 4  played chess on the computer.He became so5 it that he stayed up too late and he couldn't get up early in the morning.He was often late for school.He couldn't listen to the teachers carefully, 6  even couldn't see the blackboard clearly, because he was too7  .His mother couldn't 8 him playing chess at night.She asked 9  teacher for help.

    On Monday morning,it was already ten past eight when he arrived at 10 .His teacher asked," 11 are you late again?"Tony was 12 to tell the truth(事实).

    His teacher said,"I know you 13 playing chess.But it's not right to spend too much time on it.It's not good14 your health or study.You must know as a student, 15 is very important."

    Doing what we like is nothing wrong,but we must do the most important thing first.

    A . in time B . on time C . in danger D . on sale
    A . football B . basketball C . chess D . tennis
    A . use B . teach C . buy D . practice
    A . always B . sometimes C . never D . ever
    A . friendly with B . popular with C . surprised in D . interested in
    A . or B . and C . so D . if
    A . tired B . sorry C . bored D . lazy
    A . stop B . watch C . join D . show
    A . your B . their C . his D . her
    A . library B . school C . home D . park
    A . Why B . When C . How D . What
    A . welcome B . afraid C . happy D . lucky
    A . wish B . help C . enjoy D . forget
    A . for B . to C . at D . with
    A . friend B . family C . money D . study