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  • 1.  Read the passages and finish the exercises.

    There was a knock at the door of Great Grandma Smith's home. She got up, opened the door, and shouted with joy, "Look! Who's here! "

    pulled a young man in, hugged him, and said, "It's wonderful to see you again! Everyone will be so ! "Great Grandma then hurried to take off his coat and led him to the table. She moved things around and him in a seat between my uncle and herself. He was surrounded by family on both sides and faced Great Grandpa Smith across the .

    "Coralie, go get us another place setting!" she said. "We're so sorry that we started you. No one knew you were coming, "she explained. "But you're just going to everything —turkey, potatoes, and sauce. Oh, you know how Fayette always laughed at Coralie and told her to eat more sauce, so she'd have room in her stomach for more. "She joked about my mother's gullible(轻信的)nature she had been young. She gently patted his arm. "Oh, and Gladys made an apple pie! So, just dig right in. My dear, it's good to see you.

    No one had interrupted(打断)her joyful from the moment she had left the table to answer the door. After looking around the table at our family, the young man turned and looked at Great Grandma Smith's joyful face. He said in a puzzled voice, "I don't know any of you. I just stopped at your house to get directions! "

    A. Cloze test. 

     A. She        B. I        C. We        D. They

     A. sad        B. glad        C. shy        D. proud

     A. helped        B. watched        C. placed        D. knocked

     A. street        B. room        C. floor        D. table

     A. without        B. with        C. on        D. except

     A. dislike        B. love        C. cook        D. protect

     A. wine   B. work   C. food   D. money

     A. since   B. because   C. though   D. when

     A. speech   B. thought   C. work   D. fear

     A. secretly   B. straight   C. poorly   D. humorously

    B. Answer the question in not more than 10 words. 

    Who was the young man?