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  • 1.  Read the passage and finish the exercises.

    Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2030.

    "What will our world be like in the year 2030?"

    "I don't know,', "says Fred. "What do you think?"

    "Well, no one knows, but it's interesting to guess. In the year 2030, schools might use more technology to help us learn. There will be faster Internet that can connect(连接) things like our phones and computers. People will try harder to protect the environment. We might use more clean energy( 能源) and find better ways to recycle(回收) and not waste things. A lot of people will live and work under the sea. Maybe there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea. Machines will do most of the work, and so people will have more holidays, perhaps they'll work only two or three days a week. They'll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays."

    "I am looking forward to the year 2030. I hope I'll be able to live under the sea," says Fred."Won't that be very interesting? Just like a fish!"

    1. (1) What did Tom and Fred mainly talk about?

      A . Their school life. B . Some interesting news. C . Their life in the past. D .  Their life in the future.
    2. (2) According to Tom, what will machines do in the future?
      A . Machines will do as much work as people. B . Machines will help people do most of the work. C . Machines will work only two or three days a week. D . Machines will give people the answers to the problems.
    3. (3) Which of the following is Tom's prediction?

      A . People will have fewer holidays. B .  People will be able to fly to the moon in a spaceship. C . Many people will spend their holidays under the sea. D . All the factories and farms will be built under the sea.
    4. (4) In your opinion, what will our world be like in the year 2030?