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  • 1.  Cloze test.

    The woman speaking to me at the basketball game looked kind of familiar. 1 said, "Joe? Is that you?"


    "It's you! "she shouted, 2 broadly. "Good to see you again! "

    It was good to see Marci, too. Off and on during the past few decades, I'd 3 about her. I almost tried to look for her years ago after talking to a mutual(共同的)4 who had said that the 1980s had been pretty hard for Marci. So meeting her at the 5  game was accidental. 

    We spent a few minutes talking about our 6  :kids and careers, husbands and houses, education and recreation. And we talked about the good old, bad old days. 

    Then Marci grew 7 for a moment, looking out over the crowd. "You know, Joe, "she said, "I've always wanted to tell you how sorry I am for the way I 8 you. "

    I was embarrassed. "It's okay, "I said. At least, I thought to myself, not anymore.

    "But I was so 9 , "she continued. "Yes, you were, "I thought. "We were both pretty young, "I said.

    "I know, "she said, "but that's no 10 for. . . "She hesitated(犹豫), and then went on. "It just always bothered me, remembering how11 I was to you. And I've wanted to tell you I'm sorry. "

    The smile on her face was warm and sincere. And there was 12 in her eyes —it looked a lot like relief. 

    "Okay, "I said. "Apology(道歉)13 ! "At the sweet moment, I reached an arm around her shoulder and gave her a quick hug. Just then, the crowd broke into a huge cheer, and Marci and I both returned our 14 to the game. By the time I looked over to where she had been, she was 15 . But the warm, wonderful feeling of our brief exchange was still there and continues to this day whenever I think about it.

    A .  ID B .  We C .  He D .  She
    A .  crying B .  shaking C .  smiling D .  nodding
    A .  wondered B .  talked C .  written D .  walked
    A .  stranger B .  friend C .  teacher D .  owner
    A .  basketball B .  football C .  baseball D .  volleyball
    A .  jobs B .  studies C .  lives D .  children
    A .  kind B .  blind C .  sick D .  quiet
    A .  punished B .  treated C .  admired D .  welcomed
    A .  silly B .  glad C .  careless D .  surprised
    A .  encouragement B .  background C .  agreement D .  excuse
    A .  valuable B .  polite C .  mean D .  kind
    A .  everything B .  something C .  anything D .  nothing
    A .  accepted B .  refused C .  made D .  forgot
    A .  gifts B .  attention C .  food D .  books
    A .  lost B .  excited C .  gone D .  wrong