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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    As people continue to use the Internet more, they share more information about themselves. It is important to protect yourself and stay safe online.

    ____ When searching for information online, you should check to make sure that you are accessing a trustworthy site. When you need that wireless(无线的) connection, always use  private Wi-Fi. Installing(安装)antivirus software and enabling your firewall will add another layer of protection against hackers(黑客).

    Besides. although our generation is often thought of as experienced in using social media, many people use the same password for their logins(登录). ____ Instead, you can create different passwords for each of your accounts. Using numbers and special characters(@, S, *) will make your passwords stronger.

    ___ By keeping your accounts private, you can see who is following you and has access your posts. Don't accept requests from people you don't know. _3___

    While these tips can help you stay safe from getting hacked, you may still be hacked. ____ If you cannot get into your accounts, make sure you contact those companies as soon as possible. If your device(设备)has been hacked, it is best to completely remove your device storage. Stay safe!

    A. First, you should keep your devices safe.

    B. All things can cover the world in a moment.

    C. It makes you wonder if they mean what they say.

    D. Social media is also an easy place to learn more about you.

    E. When this happens, it is important to change your passwords at once.

    F. And make sure not to share sensitive information like your birthday or age.

    G. This makes it easy for hackers to get your information with just one password.