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  • 1. 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

    Look up how to increase your life expectancy(预期寿命), and you will probably see plenty of results recommending that you have a healthy diet, get sufficient sleep, work out and cut out tobacco and too much alcohol consumption. But what many of us don't know is that our relationships also affect our life expectancy. Social integration is associated with greater life satisfaction, better health and increased life expectancy. People with wide social networks are more likely to be happy, experience fewer health issues, enjoy better mental health and to live a lot longer.

    Now this doesn't mean that we should dive head first into a relationship whenever we're lonely in order to avoid dying young. Harmful relationships can be as isolating as being alone, so who we choose to break bread with is absolutely vital to our overall health.

    Have you ever wondered why some people are single and happy, while others are drowning in suffering? Or why some married couples exist in a consistent state of bliss, while others are practically enemies?

    Research shows that marriage has greater benefits for men than it does for women. Being coupled allows men to receive the essential emotional support that they would lack if they were single. They also get the added benefit of being physically taken care of thanks to the gender roles society still subscribes to.

    Women, on the other hand, don't have as much luck when it comes to being coupled. A woman in a harmful relationship is likely to experience the mental, emotional and physical consequences that come with that. On the contrary, a woman in a healthy relationship is likely to live well. Research shows that the women who are happily married tend to be coupled with partners who take on their fair share of household responsibilities.

    But that's not all, age gaps also need to be factored in to determine relationship satisfaction. Couples with wider age gaps are more likely to be harmonious compared to their peers.

    1. (1) What does the writer intend to emphasize in Paragraph 1?
      A . Some health problems. B . Ways to increase life expectancy. C . The effect of sleep on people's health. D . The importance of human relationships.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "bliss" mean in Paragraph 3?
      A . Happiness. B . Kindness. C . Loneliness. D . Friendliness.
    3. (3) What can we learn from the research?
      A . Marriage benefits men and women equally. B . Women benefit more from marriage than men. C . Men are better taken care of because of the gender roles. D . Good relationship can effectively prevent people from dying lonely.
    4. (4) What would be probably discussed in the next paragraph of this passage?
      A . The influence of a harmonious marriage. B . Relationship satisfaction for older couples. C . Gender differences in marriage satisfaction. D . The benefits of wider age gaps in marriage.