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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Years ago, I decided to take the adventure and start working from home. I became a stay-at-home mom with two young boys. I felt lost after leaving the working world so I wanted something new to focus on.  I really wanted an excuse to connect with other adults regularly.

    But only weeks into my new adventure, I was trapped in the comparison game. I constantly compared my progress with that of others on my team. It seemed that this business was coming easily to everyone but me.

    Then the leader of my team came to me. He gave me some advice and encouraged me to keep my blinders (马眼罩) on.  The blinders help them avoid distractions as they walk down the chosen path. So I took my leader's advice of putting on "blinders".

     I got more peaceful. And I became able to appreciate the little goals I had achieved in my business. I wasn't making huge "jumps" like some others on my team. But as one small success led to another, my confidence and happiness grew. I was encouraged to make more progress.

    From this experience, I've learned that comparing myself to others truly gets me nowhere. It not only prevents my ambition, but also overshadows my successes. Whether in business or parenting, there will always be someone performing better than me.  I'm running in my own race — enjoying it at my own perfect pace.

    A. It turned out that it benefited me a lot.

    B. But what was I going to do with the blinders?

    C. I didn't let others' accomplishments lessen my own.

    D. The weight of comparison made me close to quitting.

    E. Do you know that horses wear blinders as they pull carriages?

    F. And what I should hold to is that I'm not running in their race.  

    G. Preferably, it was something that had nothing to do with childcare.