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    Research into social robots has shown that machines that are at the cutting edge of interaction can respond to feelings and emotionally care for the weak, the elderly and children.

    Robin was designed as a companion robot to provide emotional support for children receiving medical treatment. Robin explains medical procedures to them, plays games and tells stories, and during treatment distracts them to reduce their sense of pain. The robot uses AI to understand other people's feelings, remembering facial expressions and conversations to build dialogue for follow-up sessions. In trials at the Wigmore Medical (UK) Pediatric Clinic in Yerevan, Armenia, the team found that Robin led to a 34% decrease in stress and an increase in happiness of 26% in the 120 children who interacted with him at least once.

    Healthcare robots could all benefit from displaying emotional intelligence, both recognizing and responding to human emotions, and to some extent, managing them. The problem with this is the fear that human jobs may be lost as robots become better at handling social situations.

    Population trends suggest that the demand for robots to work alongside people in care situations will grow over time. By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and over globally will be 1.6 billion (17%), roughly twice the proportion of what it is today. An extra 3.5 million care workers will be needed and that will include emotionally intelligent robots.

    Today's simple systems are being trained to meet that demand. This includes a little wheeled robot that can guess how you are feeling from the way you walk, and the robot from the University of Lincoln in the UK—who helps elderly people to stay physically and mentally active.

    The impact of social robots on our lives to date has been tiny. But new models are being introduced that could make the breakthrough. Human emotions are difficult to define, but as trust in robots increases, breaking down the psychological barrier becomes easier to imagine.

    1. (1) What are social robots uniquely capable of?
      A . Lifting heavy packages upstairs for weak people. B . Teaching mentally ill teens emotional expressions. C . Cooking delicious dishes for the disabled at home. D . Playing songs for blind people on their request.
    2. (2) What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
      A . Robin's function to reduce pain. B . Robin's popularity in hospitals. C . Robin's practical application. D . Robin's success in passing tests.
    3. (3) How is paragraph 4 developed?
      A . By concluding viewpoints. B . By analyzing causes. C . By making comparison. D . By giving definition.
    4. (4) What does the author think of human job replacement by robots?
      A . It is already happening throughout UK. B . Humans need to work hard to secure jobs. C . Robots can only meet basic human needs. D . It's an unstoppable and beneficial trend.