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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    An educated old man was unhappy when he discovered his shoes were torn beyond repair and needed a new pair. He had to find the best-fit shoes to support and 1 his feet.

    The old man followed the book's instructions to make a measuring 2. He went to the shop when he was 3 in his knowledge to find the best fit for his feet. On arriving at the shop, he found a beautiful pair of shoes that fit his 4 in aesthetics (美学). When he was going to measure the shoes, he 5 realized that he had left his measuring stick at home. He had to return home.

    The following day the man went to the same shop. But to his 6, he couldn't find the shoes he liked in the shop. The shopkeeper told him the shoes he had chosen the other day were 7. Looking at the old man's sadness, the shopkeeper asked him why he didn't get his favorite 8 the other day if he had liked them so much. He told the shopkeeper what had happened and said he couldn't 9 measurement without the stick.

    Knowledge often come in handy but we should not get into the trap of overthinking. Sometimes, the 10 can be solved with simple reasoning skills and common sense.

    A . encourage B . hold C . cover D . protect
    A . mistake B . stick C . post D . kite
    A . confident B . interested C . lost D . different
    A . sound B . appearance C . taste D . smell
    A . nervously B . probably C . suddenly D . negatively
    A . anger B . disappointment C . joy D . excitement
    A . sold out B . kicked out C . taken out D . picked out
    A . size B . shop C . pair D . shape
    A . miss B . get C . buy D . lose
    A . matter B . event C . question D . problem