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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的选项中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项(其中一项是多余选项),并完成问题。

    Public speaking is one of the top three fears among adults in both the UK and the US. Here are some suggestions that deal with some of the most common problems people experience with public speaking.

    Invite the attention in

    Do you hate that moment when you stand up in front of a group to speak and everybody looks at you? It's a sign that people are interested and want to hear what you have to say. Welcome those looks!

    Beat the brain freeze

    You are in the middle of speaking when suddenly your brain stops thinking! It is possible that you forget something for the moment. And you are holding your breath! All you need to do is to trust yourself, clear your mind, focus and breathe. The thoughts will come rushing back to your mind in no time.

    Increase your confidence

    Use this exercise to get in touch with the "naturally confident self "inside. Close your eyes and remember a special time you felt really relaxed and confident. Imagine the feeling of relaxation rushing through your whole body. It will pass information to your brain and tell you that you are confident and happy.

    Whether you just want to move from good to great with your speaking, or feel too scared to stand up and speak, the great news is that you can move forward, be relaxed, and turn into a great speaker.

    A. Remember there is hope for everyone!

    B. Open your eyes and you are ready to go!

    C. Your mind goes blank!

    D. Be more silent!

    E. Well, don't do that!

    Write down another suggestion on how to become a good speaker. (答案不多于5个单词)
