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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

    Billy was 15 years old then. He grew up in a very poor neighborhood. No one in his family had gone to college before. Actually, few people around him had received higher education. They all struggled to live a good life. Therefore, Billy knew nothing about colleges or scholarships and he never thought he would go to college one day. Although he was a smart boy, he didn't study hard at school and often got into trouble with other teenagers in his neighborhood.

    One day, while Billy was walking on the playground, a boy of his age started making fun of him. Then that boy pushed him hard and Billy fell onto the ground. Billy became so angry that he stood up and beat that boy. So a fight began.

    It happened that Billy's English teacher Mr. Smith was walking nearby. He immediately ran to the boys to stop the fight. Billy was a bit worried because he knew his teacher was very strict with students. He was afraid his teacher would punish him. However, to his astonishment, his teacher didn't do that.

    "Billy, let's have a talk," said his teacher.

    Billy, not knowing what his teacher wanted to do, was very worried. But he nodded. So they went to a bench nearby and sat down. After they sat down, Mr. Smith began, "Billy, I know you're a smart boy, but you're wasting your life now. Why don't you study hard to go to college so that you can change your life and have a bright future?"

    Hearing that, Billy didn't know what to say. He had never thought about it. Billy was in silence. Mr. Smith continued, "I know you may have never thought about going to college. But everything is possible. When I was at your age, I was a troublemaker just like you and never thought I'd be able to go to college, either. It was all because of the support and encouragement of Mr. Howard, my math teacher in high school."


    1)所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;


    Paragraph 1

    Then, Mr. Smith began to tell Billy his story.

    Paragraph 2

    Billy was greatly touched by Mr. Smith's story.