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    I am 22. I used to work in a hotel. It was boring. One day, a guest and I had a conversation. She asked me, "Do you like your job?" I was sad as I answered, "No. "

    She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life. "You are too young to hate your job, young man. Go to get your passport and start your adventure. "

    So I did.

    Since I was a little kid, I was dreaming to know Europe. So the next day I had my passport. And one week later, my plane tickets.

    It was impossible to have a long holiday. So I resigned(辞职). My boss said I was crazy. My friends said that I was not responsible(负责的). I just paid no attention to those voices.

    I packed some books, a camera, 4 shirts, 2 pants, a coat, gloves, 2 pairs of walking shoes, candies and music to give away.

    I had little money. I just walked and walked. I went to high mountains and big cities. I saw some beautiful sunsets. I heard some of the best music (for free). I discovered that there was still love in the world. I realised that sunrises are not always blue or yellow. Sometimes they mix.

    I spent 22 days and $ 1,500 (including the plane tickets). What I did to save money:

    ●Used Couch Surfing(沙发客).

    ●Ate 20-cent bread.

    ●Went to Burger King to get free potato chips and water.

    ●Learned to cook.

    ●Talked with local people. They always know good places to do cool and cheap stuff(事情).

    ●Only went to free museums (only in England). Until this point in my life, I never had a clear idea of how to deal with my life. Now I do. I want to be a photographer so that I can inspire(激励) people with my pictures. Thanks to this travel. Thanks to that lady.

    1. (1) The old lady advised the man to have an adventure because________.
      A . he was poor B . he was old C . he didn't like his job D . he wanted to know Europe
    2. (2) After the man resigned, what possibly did his friends say to him?
      A . Are you crazy? B . Guy, you should be responsible. C . Have a good time. D . It's not the best time to travel.
    3. (3) The man didn't take ________ with him.
      A . bread or a mobile phone B . the camera or the passport C . clothes or music D . money or books
    4. (4) After reading the passage, we know the man ________ in order to save money.
      A . lived in hotels B . ate bread and hamburgers C . worked as a cook D . tried to find places to do cool and cheap stuff