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    Wang Kun was an office worker in Beijing in the past, but now he works with 300, 000 trees in Tianjin.

    The idea of planting trees came into Wang's mind six years ago when he saw only yellow trees in autumn. Then he decided to plant maples (枫树). He wanted to make the autumn more colourful with red colour.

    However, it was not an easy job. Wang didn't know how to plant trees at all. He learned from books first. When he felt he was ready to start, he bought thousands of small maple trees and tried to take good care of them. However, all of them died. Wang lost lots of money because of this. But he didn't lose heart. Then he turned to experts (专家)for help and did many tests. After trying hundreds of times, Wang found half of the trees survived(存活). Finally that number grew to 90 percent. He succeeded.

    Wang Kun thinks planting trees can help improve the environment. It can make the city more beautiful. He enjoys doing such a job.


    Wang Kun


    Wang was an before, but now he plants trees.


    He got the idea of planting trees years ago.


    At first, Wang learned from But all the trees died.

    He didn't lose heart after lots of money.

    He turned to experts for help and finally succeeded.


    Planting trees can help make the environment better and make the city more .
