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    Deep in the forest lives David, who loves books. As soon as he reads one book, he brings his 1another.

    Soon the house is filled with 2His wife, Alice, is angry. "You 3do something!"

    David thinks hard' and has an idea. "I can bring my books into the faraway 4and share 5I have with the children.

    Every week, David 6across the countryside to faraway villages with his two donkeys. Early in a sunny morning, David and his donkeys stop at a river 7. Then, from deep in the shadows, a bandit (山贼)jumps out!" Please let us pass," David says." The  8are waiting." The bandit takes one book and 9,"Next time I want money!"

    They move on until at last, David sees some houses below. The children run to meet  10David reads them a story first. 11the story ends, it's time for everyone to choose a book. The children hold their books close as they say good-bye and run home 12. David and his donkeys head back, over and around the hills, and into the sunset.

    At home, Alice feeds her hungry husband and the donkeys. But then, instead of  13David picks up his book,  14 reads deep into the night. And far away in the hills, candles and lanterns burn as the children 15deep into their night, too.

    A . school B . home C . library D . garden
    A . children B . lanterns C . books D . candles
    A . must B . could C . would D . may
    A . beach B . city C . hills D . forest
    A . what B . who C . why D . how
    A . sets off B . comes back C . hurries up D . puts away
    A . to sleep B . to play C . to move D . to drink
    A . donkeys B . families C . children D . friends
    A . shouts B . cries C . explains D . asks
    A . her B . them C . him D . me
    A . Before B . When C . If D . Because
    A . quickly B . sadly C . cheerfully D . carefully
    A . talking B . laughing C . visiting D . sleeping
    A . and B . but C . or D . so
    A . study B . dance C . talk D . read