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    Harry wants to be a superhero, but he knows that's impossible. So Harry invents things to help him be more like a superhero. However, Harry's inventions usually don't work. But Harry never gives up, because he knows that superheroes never give up.

    On Harry's first day of Grade 2, his teacher gives students a superhero assignment (任务) and says there will be a prize for the best one. The assignment includes(包括) things like helping a friend reach his or her goal(目标), cleaning up a park, helping Grandma clean her house, and collecting socks for poor people.

    At first, Harry is really excited because he knows everything about being a superhero. But he does not like doing any of those everyday life things. In his mind a superhero must have super powers. Even his parents cannot change his mind. They think it is a good time for their son to learn from his mistake. In the end, Harry learns that it is he himself that misunderstands (误解)the assignment. He also learns the real meaning of being an everyday superhero.

    1. (1) What does Harry do?
      A . A scientist. B . A superhero. C . A teacher. D . A student.
    2. (2) The superhero assignment includes the following EXCEPT ________.
      A . cleaning the grandmother's house B . helping others do their homework C . raising socks for the poor D . cleaning up the park
    3. (3) What does Harry learn finally?
      A . Superheroes have super powers. B . Superheroes never give up easily. C . What the assignment really means. D . Many students don't understand the assignment.