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    Two years ago, Janna lost her father. She was very sad. In her blog, she wrote about how her father gave up everything for his family. "He's 52. He never went to

    Europe, Africa or California. He always wanted to make his dream of touring the world come true. "Janna said she almost lost the hope to live. "I seemed to have all- a great job, a comfortable apartment, a kind boyfriend, and so on," she wrote. However, she was deeply down all the time.

    But one day, she decided to come back to her common life. In order to finish her father's travel dream to Europe, she made a cardboard cut-out of her father(纸板爸爸).

    Then she bought a one-way ticket to Iceland, sold most of her clothes and left her job. "I left everything in New York City to travel the world for the first time with the cardboard cut-out of my dad, "she said. "To share his story, and to help bring peace to my mother, my 22-year-old brother, my 9-year-old sister, and myself, I took him with me all over Europe. "

    She said she hoped her travel would encourage(鼓励)others to follow their dreams and enjoy the time with their family.

    1. (1) What did Janna travel to Europe for?
      A . In order to finish her father's dream. B . In order to finish her own dream. C . In order to visit her boyfriend. D . In order to live with her mother.
    2. (2) What's the meaning of "come true" in the passage?
      A . 成长 B . 放弃 C . 破灭 D . 实现
    3. (3) Why did the girl lose the hope to live?
      A . Because she couldn't have a great job. B . Because her father couldn't come back to life. C . Because her father travelled to Europe. D . Because she couldn't travel to Europe.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Janna travelled around the world with her father. B . Janna's father ever went to Africa, but not Europe. C . Janna loved her father and her family. D . Janna thought people should travel with their fathers.