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  • 1. 根据所给的中文提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

    Betty was telling the class about her past life in Quincy (昨天) afternoon.

    Quincy is a town on the (东边的) (海岸) of America. There were lots of things to do there, with many (商店), two movie (电影院)and some sports clubs, so people in Quincy never feel (厌烦的).They often live a happy life. Maybe you don't know there were two American (总统) in its history. You can visit their old family houses.

    Betty was born twelve years (以前). Her house was big and (舒适的).There was a big (起居) room with a TV, a (浴室), a kitchen and two (卧室).

    Behind her house, there was also a big (花园) with a small (湖) with fish in it. It was her (最后的) house in America.

    Now she is in China, but she is still looking forward to seeing her friends in the USA.
