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    Mineral City is an interesting place to visit. It is a beautiful small town with many old buildings.

    Take a walk through the centre of the town on Main Street. Look at the Mineral City Hotel. It is between Main Street and Glenn Street. It is about 150 years old and people still stay there. There is an interesting old building across from the hotel. It is a bookstore. There are many things to eat on Main Street. You can get lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants there. There is a park between Main Street and Oak Street. You can sit or walk in the park. It is nice and quiet. And you can enjoy the trees and flowers.

    You can also take a walk along Glenn Street to see the old buildings and interesting stores on this street.

    1. (1) The Mineral City Hotel is _________ Main Street and Glenn Street.
      A . in front of B . between C . next to D . behind
    2. (2) The Mineral City Hotel is _________.
      A . big B . small C . old D . new
    3. (3) Where can people eat lunch?
      A . On Glenn Street. B . On Main Street. C . On Oak Street. D . In the park.
    4. (4) What can people do on Glenn Street?
      A . They can get dinner. B . They can buy books. C . They can look at interesting stores. D . They can enjoy the trees and flowers.