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    People often ask me for backpacking (徒步旅行) tips in a foreign land. But backpacking, more often than not, is about being independent and exploring.

    The first challenge is usually the language. But one doesn't need to be a language master to get around. What you need to do is simply learn some words that are necessary to help you with the use of public transport or ask for information.

    Be wise while making decisions about your money. At rip to Southeast Asia or even Europe could cost no more than flights in your own country. If you don't have much money, don't worry. Try staying in hostels or shared houses, which provides good opportunities to meet others and also allows you to know culture and food through the locals.

    A common mistake many backpackers (背包旅行者)make today is blindly copying the routes (路线) and schedules(计划)in the so-called" "tour Bibles". However, true backpackers should dig up much more while exploring. Backpacking is all about interests and hobbies.

    But the unexpected always happens. You might run into some surprise. You should always be prepared. Over the years, I have grown into an experienced backpacker. But the journey ahead is still full of attractions and delights for me. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

    Tips for backpacking in a foreign land

    Learn some simple that allow you to take public transport and ask for help.


    Make wise about money. For example, you can choose cheap flights and stay in hostels or shared houses.

    Routes and schedules

    Don't others' routes and schedules. Explore your own interests and hobbies.

    The unexpected

    Backpacking trips can be full of You should always be prepared for the unexpected,