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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。

    Dear Linda,

    How is everything going? This afternoon, we held a class meeting, talking about our unforgettable experiences. Our monitor Jim entered a competition and (赢得)the first prize. It made his parents (感到骄傲的)of him. And my classmate Ann said she felt (孤独的) at first. She was afraid to (谈话) with others in the past. But our teacher Miss White found that and gave her a card to (鼓励)her to make friends with others. That's the best gift that she has received.

    As for me, I feel happy through reading. I have (曾经)read a good book about the universe. It's (有趣的) to know about space. I wonder (是否)human beings will visit Mars some day. I'd like to be a director(导演) to make a TV (节目) about space and astronauts(宇航员)when I grow up.

    The class meeting was full of (快乐).

    When we talked about some funny experiences, we couldn't help laughing.

    Could you share your unforgettable experiences with me? I look forward to your email.

    Best wishes,

