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    Dear Linda,

    It was great to talk to you yesterday1phone. As l told you2, l am in Rome today. Let me tell you something about 3we have been so far.

    We started the travel in England and we spent two days 4London. We visited a lot of great museums and buildings. The only5 thing was the weather—it rained all the time. Can you 6it?

    When we got to Paris, the weather was 7. We only stayed for one afternoon there in the sun. 8my friends really wanted to visit Euro Disney. It is to the east of Paris. Well, I have to 9 l like the American Disneyland better. 10we met some nice people from Canada and spent two great days 11 them. One of them, Clive, is going to 12 school next year. What a coincidence (巧合)!

    After that, we went south into Switzerland (瑞士). We found 13was expensive there and we couldn't stay as 14 as we wanted to. That's why we are in Italy now!

    OK, that's enough. I want to post this letter now15 you can get it by the weekend.

    See you soon.



    A . in B . by C . on D . at
    A . yesterday B . today C . now D . later
    A . why B . who C . when D . where
    A . in B . on C . over D . to
    A . good B . bad C . happy D . boring
    A . change B . make C . believe D . see
    A . windy B . cloudy C . sunny D . rainy
    A . while B . so C . or D . because
    A . say B . think C . read D . improve
    A . If B . And C . So D . Or
    A . at B . near C . about D . with
    A . his B . her C . your D . their
    A . something B . nothing C . anything D . everything
    A . short B . long C . wide D . slow
    A . if B . but C . so D . because