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    Not every cat just sits in front of the TV all day like Garfield (加菲猫). Some cats can be detectives (侦探). Do you want to meet a cat like this? The film Marnie's World will tell you an interesting story about a fat cat.

    Marnie is orange and she's very cute. Her master (主人) loves her and is very kind to her. Marnie always stays at home and spends her time watching detective films. She only knows the world on TV.

    One day, she leaves her home and wants to be a detective. She wants to help people find their lost things. But it's not easy. Luckily, she meets three friends. They are the dog Elvis , the donkey (驴)Anton, and the rooster(公鸡) Eggbert. But the four friends are in trouble soon. Some policemen want to catch them and take them to the police station.

    Do you want to learn more about the story? Let's go to watch the film.

    1. (1) What does the writer think of Marnie's World?
      A . It's difficult. B . It's fun. C . It's boring. D . It's strange.
    2. (2) Marnie knows the world
      A . in the book B . on the computer C . on television D . on the mobile phone
    3. (3) The underlined phrase "in trouble" means "_________" in Chinese.
      A . 处于贫困中 B . 处于疲惫中 C . 处于饥饿中 D . 处于麻烦中
    4. (4) Why does the writer write the passage?
      A . To ask us to buy a book. B . To tell us about a cute dog. C . To ask us to see a movie. D . To tell us an interesting story.