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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It was raining heavily. I was standing at the bus stop when I saw a woman standing and1in the rain.

    She was clearly sad about2and was trying to make a call on her phone. She shouted into the phone. The rain couldn't stop3tears (眼泪).

    At that time, I was holding many4for my friend. I was going to her dinner party. I picked out one of them5gave it to the woman as she was getting into a taxi. When she saw it, she6Before she closed the door, she said to me, “Thank you.”

    A few years later, I saw the same7at a party. I went over to introduce (介绍) myself. Then she thought of the day when I gave her a flower.

    She hugged me and8me again. She said that the flower made her day. On that9day, she had a big fight (争吵) with her best friend. She felt terrible, but the flower showed her that there was still something10in the world.

    A . eating B . crying C . dancing D . reading
    A . everything B . anything C . something D . nothing
    A . my B . her C . his D . our
    A . apples B . cards C . presents D . flowers
    A . and B . but C . so D . or
    A . gotoff B . stood up C . calmed down D . went back
    A . driver B . woman C . friend D . taxi
    A . helped B . warned C . touched D . thanked
    A . sunny B . windy C . rainy D . snowy
    A . great B . magic C . expensive D . dangerous