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    Hello, everyone! My name is Bob. I have a good friend. His name is Paul. He is a yellow dog. I like him very much.

    Every morning Paul runs with me, and we play in the park every afternoon. Paul is very fat. He likes eating beef hamburgers for breakfast. For dinner, he likes fish. Paul likes red. He has two red hats. Look! They are on my bed.

    But Paul is lost now. Please help me. My telephone number is 312-3216. My e-mail address is paul2015@sina. com. Many thanks!

    1. (1) Paul is _____.
      A . Bob's brother B . a dog C . Bob's classmate D . a cat
    2. (2) Paul _____ every morning.
      A . runs with Bob B . plays with hats C . eats hamburgers D . watches TV
    3. (3) Paul's hats are on the _________.
      A . desk B . chair C . bed D . wall
    4. (4) Which one is NOT true?
      A . Paul is Bob's friend. B . Bob's telephone number is 312-3216. C . Paul has two red hats. D . Bob likes eating beef hamburgers and fish.
    5. (5) Bob wants to______.
      A . thank Paul B . introduce (介绍) Paul C . ask for help D . show (表达) his love