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    Zhou Xue is a mother of a 9-year-old boy in Jiangsu province(省). She is worried because seven of the 46 children in her son's class are wearing glasses. "The eye health of students is a very big problem these days," she tells China Daily. More and more students are getting myopia (近视). What can we do to stop the problem?

    Wantang Primary School in Yunnan province has good news for us– no one of its 536 students has myopia, says China Daily.

    The following are the ways to help keep the eye health in Wantang Primary School. Maybe we can learn something from them.

    First of all, every student must go outside during class breaks. They play outdoors for over three hours a day. Yang Qingyi, a teacher at the school says, "Even for quiet kids, we ask them to take a walk outside. "

    Other ways also help a lot. For example, students don't take mobile phones or other electronic devices (电子设备) to school. They get at least 10.5 hours of sleep every day. The school tries to give students a balanced diet (均衡饮食). And there are green trees all around the school. Sun Fubiao, the school's principal (校长) tells China Daily.

    These days, our country and schools are doing more to stop myopia. The double-reduction policy (双减政策) came out in July 2021. It says that primary schools should not give homework to students in the first and second grades so that they won't use their eyes too much. Schools should also examine (检查) students' eyesight (视力) at least twice every year.

    1. (1) What is Zhou Xue worried about?
      A . Her son's school is not good. B . Her son's classmates are not friendly. C . Her son has to wear glasses. D . The myopia problem in her son's class is serious.
    2. (2) How many hours do the students play outdoors in Wantang Primary School every day?
      A . More than 7 B . More than 3 C . More than 10. 5 D . More than 9
    3. (3) Which is NOT the way to help keep the students' eye health in Wantang Primary School?
      A . The students have no homework. B . They don't take smartphones or other electronic devices to school. C . They have many trees around school. D . The students can get enough sleep.
    4. (4) How many times should schools examine students' eyesight?
      A . At least twice a year B . At least twice a month C . At least twice a week D . At least twice a day
    5. (5) What is the best title(标题) for the passage?
      A . Wantang Primary School B . Ways to stop myopia C . Why students get myopia D . Important ways