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    Are you sad that you don't have a nice face? Are you worried that you are not cleverer than your classmates? If so, reading the story of Beethoven may help you.

    Beethoven was born in a small city in Germany in 1770. His father was an actor and he always drank much. His mother was in bad health and she died when Beethoven was seventeen. They lived a poor life.

    Beethoven was a talented(有天赋的) child in music. At that time people thought he was as clever as Mozart. His father wanted to make money from his talent, so he told him to practice and play all the time. If he didn't do that, his father would be angry with him and beat him. Beethoven was very short and ugly. He couldn't hear well from the age of 22 and later he heard nothing. He once fell in love with three girls, but they all left him for some reasons at last. But all these didn't make him give up music. He kept writing music, and later he became a great musician. On a snowy day in 1827, Beethoven died of illness. His life was so short that he didn't leave much music. But people think he was one of the best musicians in the world.

    1. (1) Beethoven came from ________ in a small city in Germany.
      A . a big family B . a happy family C . a small family D . a poor family
    2. (2) Why did Beethoven's father tell him to practice and play all the time?
      A . Because he wanted to make money. B . Because he wanted to make him not drink too much. C . Because he wanted his son to be a great musician. D . Because he wanted to make him beat Mozart in music.
    3. (3) When did Beethoven have hearing problems?
      A . As soon as he was born. B . When his mother died.   C . When he was twenty-two. D . After the three girls left him.
    4. (4) Which is NOT true about Beethoven?
      A . He looked ugly and short. B . He died in summer in 1827. C . He once fell in love with three girls. D . His fa ther beat him when he was young.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Music can make us happy and we should learn it. B . Parents should be kind to children and never beat them. C . Listening to music is one of the best hobbies for people. D . Be brave and never give up when we have problems.