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    I'm Peppa Pig. I'm a nice girl. I'm six years old, and my birthday is on the 30th of May. In my family are my brother, mother, father and me. My brother, George, is three years old. We like jumping(跳)in muddy puddles(泥坑). We have many toys(玩具). I like the toy named Teddy, and my brother likes the toy named Mr. Dinosaur. He likes playing with Mr. Dinosaur.

    Our mother, Mummy Pig is a nice woman. She and I like the same color, pink. Mummy Pig loves Daddy Pig very much. Daddy Pig likes cookies(曲奇)and cakes very much. He knows they are not healthy, but he still(仍然)loves them. Daddy Pig likes to play games with us. All my family love jumping in muddy puddles. That is our favorite game.

    1. (1) How old is Peppa?
      A . 3. B . 5. C . 6. D . 30.
    2. (2) What's the name of George's toy?
      A . Mr. Pig. B . Teddy. C . Mr Dinosaur. D . Peppa.
    3. (3) What colour does Mummy Pig like?
      A . Blue B . Pink. C . Red. D . Orange.
    4. (4) The underlined word(下画线单词)"them" refers to(指)_______.
      A . cookies and cakes B . the family C . the games D . Mummy Pig and Peppa
    5. (5) The family all like_______.
      A . Toys B . cookies and cakes C . pink D . jumping in muddy puddles