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  • 1. For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    When Tal Golesworth was told he needed lifesaving heart operation in 1993, he said no.

    Golesworthy has Marfan syndrome, a genetic condition1connective body tissues, including blood vessels (血管). Back in 1993, when he was living in the strength of Cheltenham, in the west of England, his doctor told him that a major artery(动脉) in his heart was so enlarged that it would inevitably bleed unless he 2" "They talked through the surgical 3 major surgery, " says Golesworthy, " and I was not interested. The 4 really didn't look attractive. "What he particularly didn't like was having to be on blood thinners after the operation, something that would prevent blood clots (血栓)but presented its own 5, "I was riding motorbikes then, and skiing, so my whole lifestyle would have been affected. "

    By 2000, however, his condition had 6 Golesworthy put his years of 7. Realizing something had to be done, as a research-and-development engineer with the United Kingdom's National Coal Board to good use. He decided he would fix himself.

    "Learning new stuff and developing new ideas, that was my job, "Golesworthy says. A bulging(鼓起的) artery, he thought, needed external support. And wrapping something around the outside of the artery would require a less 8operation. So Golesworthy subjected himself to 30 hours in an MRl scanner; used 3D printing to create a physical replica of the 9of his heart; and then used soft textile to make a sleeve to fit around it.

    "10, I'd done a lot of work with technical textiles, looking at filters for flue gases in coal-fire processes, so I am quite a (n)11 here, " he says.

    Determination, 12with an original yet practical solution, won him the support of two leading surgeons, who helped him raise the money to Determination, 13 at the age of 47, he became someone for his own Determination, 14, the ExoVasc Personalised his idea. In May 2004,

    External Aortic Root Support (PEARS). The operation was a success. It has since been used by surgeons in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Belgium. "When you're as Determination, 15 as l was," Golesworthy said," you make things happen. "

    A . exploiting B . affecting C . flowing D . evolving
    A . underwent B . dominated C . highlighted D . eliminated
    A . options B . performances C . reports D . nutrients
    A . contribution B . promotion C . operation D . construction
    A . views B . risks C . guards D . maps
    A . remained B . launched C . worsened D . controlled
    A . substance B . evidence C . experiment D . experience
    A . faithful B . invasive C . innovative D . productive
    A . vague B . powerful C . faulty D . missing
    A . Luckily B . Hesitantly C . Regularly D . Reluctantly
    A . expert B . businessman C . diplomat D . actor
    A . sought B . stretched C . coupled D . held
    A . share B . accuse C . reflect D . develop
    A . intention B . invention C . invasion D . interaction
    A . frustrated B . praised C . defeated D . motivated