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  • 1. 阅读理解

    My friend, Jack, is a university (大学) student.

    Last year he went to Japan and stayed there for two months. I was surprised (吃惊的) that Jack could have such a long holiday because he never had any money.

    "How did you stay there, Jack?" I asked, "I thought you could stay there for two weeks."

    "It was easy," Jack answered, "I got work." "Work!" I cried, "what did you do?"

    "I gave English lessons to a Japanese salesman (商人)." Jack answered. "His name is Yukio. We are friends now." "But you are not a teacher." I said.

    "I told Yukio I couldn't teach, but he insisted on (坚持) having oral English lessons. He wanted to practice his English. He had a big customer (客户) in America, so it is important for him to speak English well. I talked to him for three hours a day. He gave me a room, three meals a day and some money." "Did your student learn much English?" I asked.

    "I don't know," Jack answered. "But I learnt a lot of Japanese!"

    1. (1) ________ is Japanese.
      A . The writer B . Jack C . My friend D . Yukio
    2. (2) The writer was surprised because ________.
      A . Jack could teach a salesman English B . Jack learnt a lot of Japanese C . Jack stayed in Japan for two months D . Jack worked in Japan
    3. (3) Yukio wanted to learn English ________.
      A . to visit America B . to stay in Cuba for some more days C . because he had no work to do D . for his business (商业)
    4. (4) The best title of this passage is ________.
      A . A good teacher B . Work in Japan C . A long holiday in Japan D . Learning Japanese