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    When you are in Hawaii, be sure (stay) at the Garden Hotel. Whether you come on business on holiday, you will find everything as comfortable and convenient you would expect in a first-class international hotel. Every bedroom has (it) own private bathroom* telephone. wall-to-wall carpet (color), modern materials and furniture in the local style.

    In the Mitsui Restaurant. you can choose your meals from as many kinds of (dish), both Eastern and European, as you will find anywhere in the country. In the Beach Bar. you can drink your family and friends in air- conditioned comfort, and listen to the music of internationally known musicians. Or you can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden that (give) the hotel its name, or to the tables that surround the swimming pool. Throughout the hotel, you will find the service is both (friend) and efficient.

    The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five (minute) walk from Hawaii's modern shopping center. Here you will find all that money can buy. at prices you can afford.
