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    Turn on the tap and there is water. Getting water is so easy that you'd be1for thinking that there is2endless supply. But the world has a water shortage. 70% of the world is3with water. But most of this water is salt water4 only a small percentage (百分比) of5water. Many countries import (进口) water from other countries such as the US, Australia and Argentina.

    This global shortage is predicted to get6as global temperatures rise.

    Every person in the UK uses about 150 litres of water a day. Compare this7some countries where they only have 5- 10 litres! Poor countries would be8to hear that we use drinking water to wash our toilets. There are many simple ways that we can use to9our water use. Let's have a look at how we can help.

    ★Don't leave the tap running. We brush our teeth twice a day and by10the tap while we brush, we can save 5- 10 litres of water. 11every adult in the UK did this, then we'd12enough water for 500, 000 homes.

    ★Make use of rain.13rainwater in a water butt (桶) in your garden is a great way of reusing the water14plants healthy in summer.

    ★Reuse. Share bath water15your family to reduce costs and water use.

    A . mistaken B . understood C . considered D . supposed
    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . full B . covered C . filled D . showed
    A . leave B . to leave C . leaving D . left
    A . running B . drinking C . salt D . clean
    A . better B . more important C . badly D . worse
    A . with B . at C . as D . by
    A . glad B . angry C . shocked D . mad
    A . reduce B . recycle C . increase D . protect
    A . turning off B . turning on C . turning down D . turning up
    A . If B . Though C . As D . Unless
    A . have B . protect C . save D . offer
    A . Giving B . Pouring C . Remaining D . Collecting
    A . to keep B . keeping C . keep D . kept
    A . at B . with C . to D . for