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  • 1. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺,内容完整。

    Where is home? For Debbie and Michael Campbell, the answer, is everywhere—at least for now.

    Known as full-time travellers, the couple have been travelling around the world since they retired (退休). They have already visited more than 80 countries, but they say they are not done yet.

    "We're meeting new people all the time. That's really a good feeling," says Michael. " We're just living our lives for a week or two weeks at a time in other places."

    Well, the Camp bells look for homestays that cost about $ 90 a night and less in some cities and more in others. A kitchen is a must, so that they can save money by cooking their own meals. This has been going on since July 2013.

    The most important thing, they agree, is that they enjoy each other's company (陪伴), even after 40years. They enjoy reading, watching

    TV, playing Scrabble (拼字游戏), doing laundry, and just hanging out. The couple say travel has become even more important since they began.

    By the time you're reading this passage, the couple might have already travelled to Australia, or Japan, or China. Their journeys have helped them hold a clearer view. They hope more people can travel a bit more in their later years.

    A. We're not on vacation.

    B. They better understand the meaning of getting older.

    C. The Camp bells have been on the road for nearly six years.

    D. You must wonder if they have enough money to sleep or eat well.

    E. During the journey, the Camp bells still spend much of their time together.
