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  • 1. Directions: Read the following passage and choose the best word for each blank.

    High school life is probably the happiest time of our lives. Our bodies go through a series of changes; at this point, we are mature enough to1our interests, our passions and everything else we need to know about ourselves.

    Our parents loosen their grasps a bit on the rules and we therefore2a lot during this period. When we find ourselves in hot water, everyone will always come to our aid and claim, "But, they are just teenagers. Don't worry, everyone goes through this stage. They will soon grow up." So, we get away with a lot during this period.

    It goes without saying that high school life is the most formative period of a person's life. The3of life becomes clear here and the students get a glimpse of how the real world works. Just like in real life, high school life can be grouped into two—the4side and working/studying side with a gray area in between, for activities such as hobbies and interests.

    It is a joyful period in life, because teenagers have no sense of responsibility apart from studying. They start forming groups with other5individuals. Musicians form their bands, and athletes build teams, etc.

    With so many different people in the same facility, there are unavoidable 6, which may be healthy-like in a classroom setting. They may also be unhealthy when students try to cheat their way into college.

    When it comes to study, high school has the most demanding process of learning than other stages. Students spend all day in classrooms. They also have to7a wide range of subjects that they may not pursue in future.

    Furthermore, students encounter pressure from all semesters. They have to 8at this stage or they will never make it to college. And they are reminded over and over again that it they do not get to college, they will amount to nothing in life.

    Going hand in hand with the exhaustive study are the expectations that parents, friends and teachers have for the students. They make the situation9for them by deciding which universities they should go to. Most parents do not comprehend the problems their high school children go through. They assume that the only thing their children do in school is study, but that is not the case. They have to10education and the challenges they encounter in school.

    A . lose B . hide C . recognize D . exchange
    A . experiment B . endure C . remember D . witness
    A . length B . concept C . expectation D . memory
    A . dark B . embarrassing C . dramatic D . fun
    A . absent-minded B . like-minded C . single-minded D . broad-minded
    A . comments B . confusions C . competitions D . complaints
    A . cover B . offer C . review D . drop
    A . relax B . appear C . perform D . reflect
    A . simpler B . better C . stranger D . worse
    A . mix B . ignore C . enquire D . balance