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  • 1. 阅读理解

    In recent years, more and more farmers in China have moved to cities to work. Many of them leave behind their children in villages. These children are called left- behind ones. In China, there are more than 60 million left-behind children. It is about a third of the children in the countryside and almost a quarter of the whole country's children. 40% of them are under age 5.

    Left-behind children often face more problems than others. Safety is a big problem. Their personal safety is poor. Many children are too young to look after themselves. It is even sadder that some left- behind children die from drowning(溺水) or traffic accidents.

    Another problem is about psychological(心理的) health. Left- behind children are hungry for love. A report says that more than 16% of them think parents don't love them and over 80% feel insecure. They are usually oversensitive (过度敏感的), and don't get along with others.

    Their education is also serious. According to a survey, about 20% of the left-behind children think they are not as good as others. Many are not interested in studying at school. They often don't do the homework and go to school late. Some children

    even take part in criminal(犯罪的)activities.

    To make left-behind children live a. happy and healthy life, our government as well as many, people has done a lot. Every one of us should give a hand to them.

    1. (1) The passage mainly talks about        problems of the left-behind children.
      A . two B . four C . three D . five
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "insecure" mean?
      A . Happy. B . Confident. C . Unsafe. D . Proud.
    3. (3) Which is NOT true about the left- behind children according to the passage?
      A . The safety of the left- behind children is worrying. B . The left-behind children will all take part in criminal activities. C . About one-fifth of the left- behind children think they are not so good. D . Many people have done lots of work to help them.
    4. (4) Where can we find the passage?
      A . In a newspaper. B . In a storybook. C . In a poster. D . In a novel.