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  • 1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    For lots of people in Britain, the 3lst of December, or New Year's Eve, is a big day of the year.

    New Year's Eve parties can take place at different places. Some people hold a house party.

    And some just go to their favourite pubs for a few drinks with their friends. Big cities, like London, have large and fantastic fireworks shows.

    When it is twelve o'clock, people cheer and give each other a hug. They then sing a song called Auld Lang Syne together. Most people can hardly remember all the words of the song.

    The parties then continue into the early morning with lots of dancing and drinking. Because of this , for a lot of people, New Year's Day is started with a hangover (宿醉). Anyway, New Year's Day is always relaxing.

    A. Some join street parties with friends.

    B. Other people might spend the day visiting friends.

    C. Many people feel very tired after New Year's Eve parties.

    D. Thousands of people look forward to New Year's Eve arties.

    E. However, it is so well known that everyone can hum (哼唱) along.

    F. They often get together with friends or family to welcome the coming year.

    G. All New Year's Eve parties have one thing in common: the countdown to midnight.