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    Diamonds are the most famous and valuable jewel(珠宝) in the world. It is difficult to cut a diamond because it is the1substance(物质) found in nature. The diamond is believed to be the symbol of wealth(财富的象征)for its great2. Also, it bas. the meaning of eternity (永恒), so diamond rings are3used as wending jewelry.

    When a volcano(火山)is4, it sometimes erupts(爆发) and causes great damage to the nearby towns. However, at the same5, diamonds were pushed towards the surface of the Earth. Thus, it may be6to find a diamond after a volcanic eruption. Besides, diamonds arc also found among the sand and stones of certain river beds, because the rain7them down the mountain sides.

    There are not many places that8diamonds in the world. During the last century, adventurers from Europe went to Brazil, because they heard that there were diamonds in the Amazon River. . Many of these early diamond miners9illness or were lost forever in the great forests. Bu some10home rich.

    The earliest known diamonds were found in India many centuries ago. But most of the world's diamonds now come from the Congo, Tanzania and South Africa.

    A . weakest B . simplest C . hardest D . darkest
    A . value B . colour C . light D . smell
    A . secretly B . widely C . hardly D . quietly
    A . active B . special C . relaxed D . missing
    A . mark B . time C . step D . chance
    A . important B . difficult C . happy D . possible
    A . cut B . slowed C . washed D . turned
    A . borrow B . produce C . spend D . collect
    A . talked about B . picked up C . took away D . died of
    A . stayed B . built C . ·returned D . brought