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     History was made in 2008 when Barack Obama became the first African-American president. Do you believe there will be a Chinese-American president? Ten-year-old Alana Muller is working hard to make her dream come true.

    However, there is a big problem ahead. It is that Alana Muller was not born in America. Born in Guangdong Province, China, Alana was adopted(收养) by an American couple when she was ten years old. When Alana's foster mother asked about her ambition, she said that she would like to be the U.S. president. But she was told that according to the law, the U.S. president had to be born in the United Stated.

    Unlike other girls, Alana didn't think of giving up. She considered the law unfair and planned to make changes. She wrote to President Obama with a joint letter signed by her classmates. In the letter, she talked about her ambition and how she would like his support to change the law. Though she received a reply from the White House, she was not satisfied with it.

    As a result, Alana started to attend Massachusetts state council(州议会)herself, hoping to change the law. In Alana's opinion, an old law written 200 years ago shouldn't stop the talents serving Americans now.

    1. (1) Alana can't become the U.S. president because            .
      A . she is a Chinese-American B . she wasn't born in America C . she is too young D . she didn't know the American law
    2. (2) In the third paragraph, the underlined word "it" refers to            .
      A . Alana's ambition B . American law C . Alana's birth place D . a reply from the White House
    3. (3) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
      A . Alana's foster parents are both from America. B . A Chinese-American person can't be the American president. C . Alana wants to be an American president. D . The White House replied Alana's letter.
    4. (4) Which is the correct order according to the passage?

      a. Alana wrote to President Obama.

      b. Alana was adopted by an American couple.

      c. Alana attended Massachusetts state council and hoped to change the law.

      d. Alana was born in Guangdong Province.

      e. Alana's foster mother asked about her ambition.

      A . d-e-b-a-c B . d-b-e-a-c C . b-d-e-a-c D . d-b-e-c-a
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . Alana is trying to change the American law to become a president. B . Alana attends Massachusetts state council meeting every year. C . Alana wrote to President Obama to know about the law. D . Alana is a Chinese-American girl.