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    Mike Tam is a 16­year­old boy. He has many good living (habit)—he exercises every morning and reads books every night. He never eats junk food. He is good at all his studies  his favorite subject is science .

    Mike's father is  good swimmer. When Mike was four years old, his father started to teach himto swim. After two months of learning, Mike could swim a fish.

    Each week, Mike has to spend a lot of time (practice). But he likes that. He also (enjoy) watching movies and he goes to the cinema every Saturday. "It is (relax) to watch movies   my friends,” he said.

    His parents often go to the pool to see him when they don't have to work. Now Mike is swimming in the swimming pool. His parents (sit) on the chair by the pool and watching him. They love Mike and think it's the best thing to be with him.
