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当前位置: 高中英语 / 特殊题型 / 语法填空
  • 1. 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    If you heard someone shout, "Hey you!" from across the room, how would you react? Just these two words can carry much information. They could (interpret) as a welcoming greeting from a close friend, especially if (accompany) by a gentle smile. When spoken by a stranger, they can function a means of attracting your attention. Much of we communicate is (depend) not only on the words we use, but also on how we use them. So, let's look a little (deep) into the topic of communication.

    Communication is the exchange of information between a sender and a (receive). The sender encodes a message and sends it face to face, or through video, telephone, mail or social media. This message is then received and decoded by the receiver. In (respond), the receiver sends an (encode) message back, which is referred to feedback. This feedback is decoded by the original sender and the entire cycle repeats itself until they have finished communicating.

    This complex process can be (challenge) but, with practice and patience, you can become a highly competent (communicate). To accomplish this, you need to know with you are communicating. What is their age or job position? What is their relationship to you? What (expect) and cultural background do they have? Once you have obtained this information, you can then use it to determine how best to communicate with them. (depend) on if you are communicating with a stranger, friend, family member, or co-worker, you will need to decide which communication channel best suits the situation. Furthermore, you will need to determine the appropriate style to use and how complex your choice of words should be. For example, if you are a business person negotiating with a large enterprise about a deal, you should do it face to face, using formal language, a straightforward manner.

    Your body language is (equal) important, since it reveals a lot about your thoughts and attitudes. Make sure it clearly supports the message you want to deliver. A smile shows you are attentive to the issues you are discussing, while looking away with your arms (fold) can indicate disinterest and create distrust or cause friction. (addition), you should not ignore the other person's body language, which will give you clues as to the conversation is going well or not. When you notice a change in the other person's body language, you should adjust how you are communicating (according). If someone looks at you with a (confuse) expression, this could indicate that they have not completely understood your point. You will need to clarify your message before moving on.

    being knowledgeable about body language is vital, the value of empathy should not be understated. Seek to understand the other person's emotions, by putting yourself in their shoes and looking at the situation their perspective. Some issues may be complicated and you may be confused about why others feel or act the way they do. If you give serious (consider) to their points of view, however, you will be able to see what accounts their emotions and empathize with them. You may not approve of their ideas but at least you will see where they are coming from, means you can make adjustments to your own tone and choice of words. Suppose you are discussing a project with your partner, who has just lost an important basketball game and is inactive. To engage him or her in the discussion and make your communication more effective, you may express your sympathy by, for instance, saying, "I understand how you feel.…"

    Effective communication will allow you to tackle differences and disagreements appropriately and improve your (interact) with others. Good communication skills will also help you build trust and gain other peoples respect, (allow) relationships to become more positive and (product). So, get practising and good luck!