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        I am a reporter from Beijing TV Station. I want to know what people like to1. So I interviewed 100 people about it. Here is the2.

        Twenty people like to watch CCTV's programmes,3the news channel, because they can know the4news in the world. About ten people prefer CCTV-5 programmes, because they5sports very much. About fifteen people say that they like to watch the6channel. They can enjoy the most exciting movies at home. They7think it is the cheapest way to enjoy movies. Some old people say they like operas most,8Beijing Opera, so they like to watch the opera channel. About five people9that they don't mind which channel to watch.

        So if our TV station wants to have a larger10, we should try to make the best programmes.

    A . sing B . look C . watch D . hear
    A . result B . why C . reason D . cause
    A . specially B . especially C . quickly D . luckily
    A . oldest B . fastest C . worst D . latest
    A . dislike B . study C . love D . work
    A . sports B . movie C . song D . news
    A . also B . too C . either D . yet
    A . as well B . because of C . look like D . such as
    A . tell B . say C . speak D . talk
    A . reporter B . reader C . audience D . presenter
